At Venrock, we understand that everyone is different, with diverse goals and objectives in life and in business. We specialise in finding the best financial solution for you in your unique situation.
If you’re looking for a home loan but have not dealt with a mortgage broker before, attending your first appointment with a broker can be a nervous experience. Getting a home loan, after all, can be quite complex for a first-timer and there is a lot to learn. But there are many steps you can take to be confident that your appointment will be a success.
A good starting point is to familiarise yourself with the expectations of the first appointment between one of our friendly brokers and yourself. Your broker is very likely to ask you about your medium and long-term financial goals, the amount you want to borrow, comparisons of your home loan options and your understanding of the fees, costs and conditions attached to home loans. Knowing the direction the appointment will likely take – lets you participate more actively in the conversation. This means you can better articulate your needs to your broker.
It’s also recommended that you give some consideration before the meeting to the types of questions you wish to ask your broker. Questions that can be of use include such things as loan types (such as term, repayment options and interest rate types), the types of ongoing fees attached to various loans (such as early exit, late payment, break and redraw fees) and the typical timeframe for a loan settlement.
These questions might pop into your head spontaneously during the meeting but preparing them in advance is a good way to refine them. By doing so, you are in a position to get more specific information from your broker.
It is common practice, too, for your broker to conduct a needs assessment prior to your face-to-face appointment – so you may be asked some pre-appointment questions. To assist in answering these, you’ll need to supply information about your employment history, assets and expenses.
At the appointment it will save you time and effort to prepare and then bring the required documentation with you. This can include ID, transaction histories, tax returns, rental income statements and borrowing documents such as “contract of sale” and proof that you have the deposit for a property. It’s mandatory for brokers to maintain the confidentiality of information that you provide to them and only pass on information necessary to enable them to lodge your loan application or where required by law.
All Venrock Finance brokers are accredited, therefore you can attend the meeting knowing your broker is appropriately educated, adheres to a strict and professional code of practice and is authorised to access a large range of products offered by a variety of lenders.
To book an obligation free appointment today please contact Venrock Finance on 08 9557 0500 or
At Venrock Finance we understand that at times people may not be satisfied with the service they receive. In this circumstance we would like to hear from you so we can rectify this. This complaint will be investigates in a thorough and timely manner. Please put all complaints in writing to our Managing Director at PO Box 148 Rockingham WA 6168 or email to If, despite our best efforts, you believe your complaint has not been satisfactorily dealt with, you can lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, or AFCA. AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers.
Website: | Email: | Telephone: 1800 931 678 (free call) | In writing to: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
Venrock Finance Australian Credit Licence No. 387134 Version 1 June 2013
Venrock seeks to provide the best possible service to its customers by providing an extensive range of financial services. We understand how important it is to protect your personal information. This document sets out our commitment in respect of personal information that you may provide to us. We commit that any personal information we collect about you will only be used for the purposes indicated. It is important to us that you are confident that any personal information we collect from you or is received by us will be treated with appropriate respect ensuring protection of your personal information. Our commitment in respect of personal information is to abide by the National Privacy Principles for the protection of personal information, as set out in the Privacy Act and any other relevant law. When we refer to personal information we mean information from which your identity is apparent. This information may include information or an opinion about you, from which your identity can reasonably be ascertained. We will take reasonable steps to protect your personal information by storing it in a secure environment. We will also take reasonable steps to protect any personal information form misuse, loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. You may request further information about the way we manage your personal information by emailing us at This Privacy Policy came into existence in January 2013.